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David Le Breton [20]D. Le Breton [1]
  1.  55
    Playing Symbolically with Death in Extreme Sports.David Le Breton - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (1):1-11.
    Many amateur sportsmen in the West, have today started undertaking long and intensive ordeals where their personal capacity to withstand increasing suffering is the prime objective. Running, jogging, the triathlon and trekking are the sorts of ordeal where people without any particular ability are not pitting themselves against others but are committed to testing their own capacity to withstand increasing pain. Constantly called upon to prove themselves in a society where reference points are both countless and contradictory and where values (...)
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  2.  27
    Understanding Skin-cutting in Adolescence: Sacrificing a Part to Save the Whole.David Le Breton - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (1-2):33-54.
    Adolescents are said to be, figuratively speaking, thin-skinned. But their thin-skinnedness is also real: both ambivalent and ambiguous, the border between self and other is, for many young people, a source of constant turmoil. The recourse to bodily self-harm is a means of dealing with this turmoil and the feelings of powerlessness it generates. Drawing on extensive semi-structured interviews conducted over the course of the last twenty years, this article explores the experiences of adolescents who engage in self-cutting. A deliberate (...)
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    From Disfigurement to Facial Transplant: Identity Insights.David Le Breton - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (4):3-23.
    The face embodies for the individual the sense of identity, that is to say, precisely the place where someone recognizes himself and where others recognize him. From the outset the face is meaning, translating in a living and enigmatic form the absoluteness yet minuteness of individual difference. Any alteration to the face puts at stake the sense of identity. Disfigurement destroys the sense of identity of an individual who can no longer recognize himself or be recognized by others. Disfigurement places (...)
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  4.  21
    Genetic Fundamentalism or the Cult of the Gene.David Le Breton - 2004 - Body and Society 10 (4):1-20.
    The notion of information puts the human, the animal and the vegetable all on the same plane, and tends to dissolve the previous specificities of these categories. DNA, in this way, is fetishized. Also, the notion of information, and of the gene, has moved from the domain of expert or technical culture to become a part of mass culture: a development that has important social consequences. The human body is seen as a prototype that needs to be tested or rectified (...)
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  5. Body and Anthropology: Symbolic Effectiveness.David Le Breton & Helen McPhail - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (153):85-100.
    Every human community creates its own representation of its surrounding world and of the men who constitute that world. It sets out in an orderly fashion the raison d’être of social and cultural organisation, it ritualises the ties between men and their relationship with their environment. Man creates the world while the world creates man, through a relationship which varies with each society; ethnography shows us innumerable versions. Human cultures consist of symbols. It is always a matter of reducing the (...)
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  6.  60
    Dualism and Renaissance: Sources for a Modern Representation of the Body.David Le Breton & R. Scott Walker - 1988 - Diogenes 36 (142):47-69.
    Representations of the body depend on a social framework, a vision of the world and a definition of the person. The body is a symbolic construction and not a reality in its own right. A priori, its characterization seems to be self-evident, but ultimately nothing is less comprehensible. Far from being unanimously accepted by human societies, making the body stand out as a reality in some way distinct from man seems an uneasy effort, contradictory between one time and place and (...)
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    Dissecting Grafts: The Anthropology of the Medical Uses of the Human Body.David Le Breton - 1994 - Diogenes 42 (167):95-111.
    In 1866, six Inuits were taken to the United States for the purpose of serving as specimens to American scientists at the Natural History Museum. Shortly after their arrival in New York, four of them had died. One of the survivors returned to the Arctic, while the sixth, Minik, now alone, fought to make possible the return of the remains of his dead companions to their village. Since the latter were being exhibited, as was then often the case (and happens (...)
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  8.  99
    The Body and Individualism.David Le Breton - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (131):24-45.
    Nothing is more mysterious for man than the substance of his own body. Every society has attempted in its way to give a particular answer to this primary enigma in which man has his roots. Innumerable theories of the body that have followed each other during the course of history or that still coexist today are directly connected to the world views of these different societies. Even more, they are dependent on the conceptions of the person. The modern view of (...)
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  9.  15
    Ambivalence in the World Risk Society.David Le Breton - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):141-156.
    Risk is most often associated with danger and perceived as a harmful aspect of life, as an insidious and unwelcome threat that should be avoided. Risk-taking, however, is sometimes a singular passion, a source of pleasure that becomes a way of life. When freely pursued as a valorised activity, it can be a path to self-fulfilment, an opportunity to confront new situations, and a means for redefining one’s self, testing personal abilities, increasing self-esteem or gaining recognition. Deliberate risk-taking is a (...)
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  10.  18
    Rites personnels de passage : jeunes générations et sens de la vie.David le Breton - 2005 - Hermes 43:101.
    Dans un contexte de crise existentielle chez les jeunes générations, si les autres modes de symbolisation ont échoué, échapper à la mort, réussir l'épreuve, administrent la preuve ultime qu'une garantie règne sur son existence. Ces épreuves sont des rites intimes, privés, autoréférentiels, insus, détachés de toute croyance, et tournant le dos à une société qui cherche à les prévenir. Parfois elles provoquent un sentiment de renaissance personnelle, elles se muent en formes d'auto-initiation.In an existential crisis among the younger generations, if (...)
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  11. Sociologie du corps: perspectives.David Le Breton - 1991 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 90:131-143.
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  12.  21
    The Anthropology of Adolescent Risk-Taking Behaviours.David Le Breton - 2004 - Body and Society 10 (1):1-15.
    Risk-taking behaviours often reflect ambivalent ways of calling for the help of one’s close friends and family – those who count. It is an ultimate means of finding meaning and a system of values; and it is a sign of the adolescent’s active resistance and his attempts to find his place in the world again. It contrasts with the far more insidious risk of depression and the radical collapse of meaning. In spite of the suffering it engenders, risk-taking nevertheless has (...)
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  13. Towards the end of the body: Cyberculture and identity.D. Le Breton - 2002 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 56 (222):491-509.
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  14.  26
    Vers la fin du corps : cyberculture et identité.David Le Breton - 2002 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4:491-509.
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    Anthropologie du sensoriel: les sens dans tous les sens.Colette Méchin, Isabelle Bianquis & David Le Breton (eds.) - 1998 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'homme mène son existence dans un univers sensoriel et un univers de sens. Quelles significations prennent les perceptions sensorielles dans la vie sociale et culturelle? Cet ouvrage à plusieurs voix étudie les sens dans différentes circonstances de la vie collective : chamanisme, maladie, racisme, sexualité, rencontre, vie quotidienne, musique, etc. Le Brésil, la Mongolie, le Burkina-Faso, l'Inde, le Mexique, le Sénégal, la société touarègue... et bien entendu l'Europe. Anthropologie et ethnologie sont ici sollicitées dans ces études des relations symboliques entre (...)
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